Hello guys, welcome back to this blog. I will write about the experience of a field trip when i visit to Toraja. As before, so this is a report about field trips that have been conducted by Makassar Poltekpar students, especially tour and travel business study program the third semester. Happy reading :)
       On October 14, 2019, students of tour and travel business study program the third semester made a field trip to Toraja. Toraja is one are in South Sulawesi. Toraja devided into 2 namely, Tana Toraja and Toraja utara. Majority people of toraja is christian. Toraja is very famous of culture and tradition. A very wellknown tradition is Rambu solo and Rambu tuka. 

For the first, we gathered at the Poltekpar Makassar campus.

We started the trip at 08.00 and passed Maros Regency, Pangkep Regency, and Barru Regency. In Barru regency we have lunch  at Kupa Beach Restaurant.

Welcome drink at Kupa Beach Restaurant 

After lunch continue the journey, passed through Pare-pare Regency and arriving at Enrekang Regency. In the Enrekang district, stop in Bambapuang to enjoy coffee and tea with a beautiful view of Nona mountain.

After that, continue the journey and arrive at the Toraja Indra hotel, do checkin and dinner.

The next day, after breakfast, take a trip to Timenbayo to see the view of Tana Toraja from above the height.

After that, go to Lokomata to see the wonderful burials side.

Afterwards, go to the mentirotiku restaurant, to enjoy the local food (pa'piong)

After that, do a tracking , we see a lot of things like :

1.   Very large and expensive Buffalo

2.   Toraja house construction

3.   Toraja’s carving

4.   Tombstones based on social status

5.   Mutual working

6.   Meat of Pork

7.   Coffe tree

8.   Baby grave


And then, go to the Todi, Todi which is one of the shopping places selling souvenirs typical of Toraja, such as bags, bracelets, woven cloth and many more. In this place we can also see the process of making woven fabrics.

Afterthat, back to the hotel, dinner, evaluation and take a rest.  

On the 3rd day after breakfast, check out of the hotel, visit Laki padada statue  and leave Toraja.

This trip was truly a disappointment, bringing me and my friends closer than ever before, adding knowledge about Toraja, from carving a traditional house to a grave in Toraja. Thanks to colleagues Mr. Matius and Mr. Amir who introduced Toraja deeper and wider to us. See you at the next field trip.

“DO NOT DIE BEFORE STEPPING ON THE SACRED GROUND OF TORAJA” - Syahrul Yasin Limpo (former governor of South Sulawesi)


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